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Part Sun or Part Shade?

When it comes to sun or shade, 6 hours is the magic number.  “Full sun” plants need 6 hours or more of direct sunlight. Plants that prefer “part sun” or “part shade” want only 4-6 hours. The difference between part sun and part shade is that “part shade” plants do not want their sun time to be when the sun is strongest (between 12 and 2). Part shade plants can still thrive if some of the 4-6 hours in the sun is dappled (partly shaded by trees). Plants labeled “full shade” can usually handle 2-4 hours of sun (as long as it is not mid-day). They can take more sunlight if it always dappled. Full shade plants will also take bright, indirect light – like on a south facing, covered patio.  If you want to see how many total hours you have, try this easy test on our Getting Started page.